Ambasadorka Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva u Crnoj Gori Karen Medoks se u intervjuu Vijestima dotakla aktuelnog politčkog momenta u državi.
Tako je na maliciozno postavljeno pitanje novinara drugofamilijaško-đilasovskog medija da li bi eventualni ulazak DF-a u novu Vladu doveo u pitanje povjerenje NATO alijanse prema Crnoj Gori, s obzirom na upozorenja o vezama DF-a sa Moskvom, odgovorila na sledeći način.
– NATO saveznici imaju benefite svog članstva u zamjenu za svoju posvećenost i ispunjavanje svojih dužnosti u smislu doprinosa resursima i političke podrške. U ovom trenutku, ta politička podrška znači podršku Ukrajini koja se suočava sa invazijom Rusije na svojoj teritoriji. Ako u bilo kojoj zemlji NATO-a dođe na vlast vlada koja nije u stanju da se posveti ovim zahtjevima, onda to očigledno prijeti integritetu alijanse. To nije unutrašnje pitanje jedne zemlje, već se radi o ispunjavanju međunarodnih obaveza kojima se država voljno pridružila – izjavila je Medoks.
To je zemlja u kojoj Sunce neće više nikad ni izaći ni zaći. Nema ko da im kaže😀Biće Srbalja još više ko na gori lista. POBIJEDIĆEMO BRAĆO zabijmo im konačno glogov kolac!
IVI…ti zaista treba da se preselis u Rumunjsku.Grof Vlad bi te jedva docekao.
Bog vas kaznio fašisti. Vi pričate nekome o demokratiji. Za vas je bre vlast u Sjevernoj Koreji hram demokratije. Rusija i Kina su primjer demokratije a ne vi čija su usta puna demokratije a ruke krvave do ramena.
Ukrajina je razorena za narednih 10 godina.
Crna Gora sa vlašću zadnjih 30 godina je opljačana i na granici gradjanskog siromaštva .E sad kad se bira Ukrajina ili Crna Gora gradjanima je bitna sopstvena država i nova vlast koja nije pljačkala državnu imovinu.
Ajde bavi se rodnom ravnopravnošću, još to možeš. Pukli ste….
A premijer Indijac odgovara u Britaniji?Nama kako vi g.Medoks kazete ne ODGOVARA DOMORODAC.Hvala,nadam se da nijesmo jos jedna vasa KOLONIJA.
Živjela Rusija. Živjela Kina. da nas spasu od degenerisanog zapada gdje nema mama i tata, dje se djea odlučuju oće li biti dječak ili djevojčica itd itd totalna degeneracija.
Ovo je još jedan dokaz da ulazak bilo koje države u nato i u eu znači potpuni gubitak suveteniteta i da se više ova naša država i svaka takva druga ne pita sa sobom koliko i pjan sa gaćama.
Ne mogu više da čitam ove budalaštine.
Nikad nisam bio za DF niti im vjerujem(Mandicu i Medojevicu) a Srbin sam bio i bicu ali sad da valjamo mi kao narod kao sto ne valjamo trebamo svi bas svi pravoslavni(lise sake jada lazikomita) da glasamo za DF. Cim ova koja je „veliki prijatelj“ ovako zbori znaci istina i korist pravoslavcima je savim suprotna od nje.
Pitao bih te samo da nema onog smecara iz Ulcinja moze li neko u Vladu ili ne, bas bi nas bolio k..c za ugrozavanje vaseg integriteta!! I Crna Gora nije voljno usla u NATO, zato je izbjegnut referendum, nego smo silom ugudani, smfasisticke olosi jedne!!!
U Sveckoj je na zadnjim izborima pobijedio covjek koji je 90 god isao u nacistickoj uniformi pa nisam cuo Medoks niti nikoga da on ne moze u vladu.
Prokleti ste i nećete još dugo.
ima li ikoda ovim fasitima kaze da vecinski svijet podrzava rusiju
Boli nas K za njeno misljenje…
Persona Non Grata. Hitno joj uskratiti gostoprimstvo. Imali smo mi razne okupatore, ali smo im svima videli leđa…
Ozbiljna država na ovakve stvari reaguje pozivom na razgovor, notom, a onda i protjerivanjem ukoliko se ne ugasi miješanje u unutrašnje stvari i uriniranje po Ustavu ove države. Ustav kaže da vlast proizilazi iz slobodno izražene volje građana, a ona kaže da vlast proizilazi iz njihove (NATO, čitaj USA/UK) volje.
Da li je onaj krteten od Zdravka u ovoj izjavi shvatio šta je uradio kada je za onim, na brzinu spojenim stolovima i neadekvatnim bijelim stolnjacima, zajedno sa Dritanom i Bečićem potpisao principe o nedodirljivosti ugovora o ulasku u NATO i nedodirliivosti priznanja nezavisnosti Kosova. Pa se nakon toga po raznim bogomoljama klanjao i krstio i zamajavao javnost!
Zdravko je bio spavać zapada koji je poslje obavljenog posla ostavio Spajuća da završi ono sto on nije uspio.
Nema niti jedne države svijeta a koja je država a ne kolonija odakle ova ne bi bila protjerana.
Ambassador Maddox,
I am going to paraphrase your above quote simplifying it in the process:
Montenegro is a member of NATO. NATO brings collective defense guaranties, which translates into peace & security. In return, all member countries are obliged to contribute resources and provide given support & participation.
Case in Point: the ongoing Russian invasion of UKR.
Hence, if in any NATO country a government is formed, which is not capable to fulfill the above requirements, then obviously NATO credibility and integrity would be at stake. This has nothing to do with said country’s interior matters, these are the undertaken international obligations, willingly accepted.
You just made a sophism (as per old Greek philosophy), or circular reasoning logical fallacy. Failure in reasoning (so called „cuckoo’s nest egg“) lies in the implication, that Montenegro willingly entered NATO. You and I know very well, that such task was accomplished using the blackmailed Dictator, Milo Djukanovic (nicknamed by Montenegro People “The Thief” ) and his almost comically staged Coup d’état, against ~ 85% people’s opposition. It is an Anglo-Saxon Law Axiom, that states that any contract signed under duress is null and void, i.e. has no legal force.
But that is not the reason why I took a trouble to write you in hope that one of your Embassy Secretaries will read it and forward it to you. Here is the main reason: All my philosophy in dealing with people in general is based on one dialog from my favorite old cowboy movie “Shane” (available on Netflix). Shane, story goes, is the fastest gun in the Wild West. Tired of constant dueling and killings, he lays down his gun and rides his horse in search to find a woman to settle down. He is riding across some Farmer’s land. The Farmer is holding a little BB-gun pointed at Shane, who has no weapons, whatsoever.
Farmer: “Stop! You’re trespassing. I want you to turn around and leave immediately”.
Shane (with ice cold voice): “I’ll turn around and leave, but only – after you put down your gun”.
Farmer (hesitant, because he feels Shane is not an ordinary man) : “What difference does it make – if you leave after I put the gun down, or before”?
That is my Montenegro. You could stretch it even to every person on the Planet. You don’t tell them what to do. IT HAS TO BE THEIR IDEA! The UK, The US, NATO do not get to form the Montenegro Government. That is the „GOVRNMENT BY THE PEOPLE, not by NATO.“
Winston Churchil to Adolf Hitler: “GO AHEAD – DO YOUR WORST, I/M GONNA DO MY BEST!”
Patrick Henry at the Second Virginia Convention: „Give me liberty, or give me death!“ That is, what my old homeland Montenegro is all about.
We Americans have conquered the World not with guns, munition with U238 tip, or with cruise missile, but by using American English, American music, American films, American way of life and finally American Constitution. On the other hand, the people with guns-DU munition and cruise missile have been busy, undoing all that World’s love-affair with America.
To understand my case, in 2000, it was September, Miloshevic was about to enter his last election in SR. I happened to be flying to PG, Montenegro and had a stop-over in BG. Long story short, I ended in the police station at Savski Venac in BG, where after 3 hrs meaningless interrogation, after telling them something they did not like, I was thrown into Turkish prison style jail in the police station basement. The jail was ~ 9’ long and 6’ wide, 7′ high. It resembled a coffin. It horrified me, because I am claustrophobic. IMHO it was designed to break you, if you have something to admit/confess. Everything was out of concrete: concrete walls, ceiling, floor slab… No windows. Metal door with a long iron key. Yellow light above the door. Concrete bed with wood plank attached on the top. In the corner on the floor was a hole out of which an unbearable stench was coming out, pure methane that hits you straight into brain. That is where you do your #1 and #2. Even though I was just passing by, the Miloshevic machine viewed me as an American ivy league educated spy, sent to help bring the Dictator down. After spending 2 hrs in that hellhole, I was almost unconscious released and was able to continue to PG.
Therefore, there is no Miloshevic lover, or Milo the Thief or any other Dictator lover here.
Having said all that, I never stopped believing that Miloshevic and your favorite Milo the Thief, have nothing to do with you guys ripping KIM out of Serbia using the above-mentioned guns, DU munitions and cruise missile. My old homeland SR and CG did not deserve such a destruction and taking away their/our secret land. No “protection of human rights intervention” could be used to justify the demise the entire Serbian people went through in 1999. If you did not/ do not believe me, please take a look at mirror image case – Kiev, Herson, Lavov, Miriupolj.. 100 000 killed Ukrainians and just the same number of killed Russians. 500 000 dismembered Ukrainians and just as many Russians. 10 million displaced Ukrainians which are our brethren, just as the Russians are. And all that was started by NATO destruction of the International Law in 1999…. cutting water and electricity to 2 million inhabitants BG, threatening to destroy them all like rats. The Russians are doing just that, nowadays.
DF, like Democrats, or SNP, or „EU Now“, they all think like, I think, more or less. You only have the Albanian and Muslim/Boshnjak minority, who support NATO in constant confrontation with the Serbs/Montenegrins. That is how the entire CG-SR-RS think, minus small exception of those minorities.
Of course, obtained through very large investments into NGO, there is a significant number of “rented Serbs”/ auto-chauvinists (Sorosh crowd… You have them in the UK too).
And what has been accomplished by PROPAGATING THE ABOVE OUTLINED INJUSTICE for all these years? It only brought us further division and suffering in the Balkans, which culminated on February 24, 2022 with the Russian version of NATO KIM temp. occupation and never-ending attempts to legalize that gross violation of IL.
Mr. Lekic is Russophile, Miloshevicophile as much as I am. Both he and DF have publicly promised that they will adhere to all previous commitments that Milo the Thief and others in CG Government have made.
Again, they all feel the way I feel, but they are also Realists, they have to operate in this real World.
At the end, I am sure you do believe in God. Our US Constitution, as well as the Anglo Saxon Law have been based on Natural Law, i.e. God’s Justice. I do not know if you noticed, that over the LONG RUN, all World solutions gravitate toward the God’s Justice. You could win with the foreign policy, based on interest only in a short run. In the LONG RUN only foreign policy, based on JUSTICE FOR ALL will win.
That means, in the Balkans only WIN-WIN solutions will stand.